Sarah Fizell Sarah Fizell


We are seeking artists to apply with work that explores “Movement”. Humanity is always on the move. From the moment of birth we learn and absorb the world around us through movement and sensation. We are fascinated with traveling far and wide via planes, trains, and automobiles. Some artists seek to freeze the moving world into a quiet moment to capture it forever in a static two dimensional plane. While others seeks to express the thrill of fast cars, wind blown clouds, and racing horses. Celebrate movement of all kinds with us in this exhibition.

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Sarah Fizell Sarah Fizell


The City of Kansas City, Missouri One Percent for Art program seeks to commission a professional visual artist, or artist team, to design original, site-responsive public art for Starlight Theatre in Kansas City, Missouri, utilizing a green space near the east entrance of the facility (see Site Details for photographs).

The total budget available for this project is $60,000. The RFQ deadline is Sunday, August 15, 2021, 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time Zone.

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