Topeka’s premier arts engagement organization.
ArtsConnect promotes the arts through building community connections and broadening the understanding of how the arts enhance our quality of life.
Passion | Leadership | Collaboration | Belonging | Respect | Integrity
Develop activities and programs that support individuals engaged in the production of art & the creative industries.
Connect audiences, artists and arts experiences in all disciplines.
Ensure a healthy organization capable of undertaking inspiring and innovative programming.
Cultural Planning
ArtsConnect is in the process of creating the the Topeka Arts & Culture Master Plan. By putting artists and arts stakeholders in a leadership role, we will build a unique sense of place that aligns cultural production with larger civic goals such as community engagement, quality of life, workforce development, recruitment and retention. We anticipate that the final report will be available in Summer 2022.
First Friday Artwalk
The ArtsConnect First Friday Artwalk is a monthly event involving around 60 local businesses that extend their regular hours and offer special displays of art, music and more. The ArtsConnect First Friday Artwalk won “Best of Topeka” awards in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.
Artist INC Topeka
Artist INC Topeka is a professional development opportunity for 25 individual artists working in all creative disciplines. The program provides cutting-edge training seminars that address the specific daily business needs and challenges artists of all disciplines face. Please stay tuned for information about the 2023 program. We anticipate that applications will be due in Jan 2023.
TopArts Grant Program
This program increases access to arts education and activities and supports the creation and maintenance of public works of art. SInce 2016, more than $200,000 has been granted into the community, reaching thousands of Topekans directly.
Creative Conversations
This series of events offers an opportunity for creative individuals to connect, network and learn. These events feature an interview with an artist who offers insight into their respective field – with an emphasis on the challenges and lessons they’ve learned. This series began in 2018 and has featured visual artists, musicians, dancers and film-makers.
Resource Partners & Artist Residency
Our current Resource Partners include the Sunrise Theatre Company, Speak Easy Poets and the Visual Artists of Topeka. ArtsConnect Resource Partners have regular no-cost access to the space & equipment at 909 N Kansas Avenue for up to two years along with support for their operations as needed to help foster their work.
Topeka Mural Project
Murals make Topeka safer and more beautiful. ArtsConnect is the only organization in Topeka which has the capacity to paint large scale public artwork and offer technical support to artists and organizations undertaking mural projects. Murals support our neighborhoods, decrease crime, and increase economic vitality for all of us.
Arty Awards
Since 2011, the Arty Awards have served to highlight the significant depth of artistic talent and art programs in Topeka. Supporting artists and helping them to broaden their audience is a critical result of this annual event. The Arty Awards serves as a fundraiser to support ArtsConnect operations and continues to help us realize our goal of being the premier arts engagement organization in Topeka.
Want to know more about how we operate as an organization? You can find our most recent IRS Form 990 filing by clicking here.