We are SO EXCITED to announce the 2024 Artist INC Topeka cohort of artists. They will begin their 8-week session on September 3, 2024, and so we hope you will mark your calendar to join us in celebrating them during Workshare Night on October 22. Workshare Night is open to the public and is not only an opportunity to celebrate the culmination of this year’s program, but also a chance to learn more about some of the artists in our community who are working to strengthen their work as artists and entrepreneurs.


Artist INC is a program of Mid-America Arts Alliance (M-AAA)

Since 2009, Artist INC has filled a demand for professional development for artists. In 2012, at the invitation of the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation, Artist INC became one of a select group of programs across the country as part of its "Marketplace Empowerment for Artists" program. While the community of practice for artist professional development has grown through Tremaine's initiative, Artist INC remains the only stand-alone program in the Midwest region dedicated exclusively to artist entrepreneur training. In 2013, Artist INC became a program of Mid-America Arts Alliance, acquiring the program fully in 2017. For more information, go to

This project is generously funded by Mid-America Arts Alliance, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Windgate Charitable Foundation, Inc., and the state arts agencies of Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas. Acknowledgement also is extended to the UMKC Innovation Center, a Founding Member of Artist INC.



Pradeep Bangalore, Visual Artist
Hollie Blakeney, Visual Artist
Jason Dailey, Multidisciplinary Artist
Jean Denney, Visual Artist
Lyman Edwards, Designer
Matthew Filby, Mixed Media Artist
Jonah Graf, Visual Artist
Ash Grubb, Visual Artist
Jodee Jensen, Visual Artist
Cindy Kersenbrock, Ceramic Artist
Troy Komahcheet, Visual Artist
Aisha Lee Imani, Multidisciplinary Artist
Theresa Martin, Visual Artist
Tiena Nazzaro, Visual Artist
Laura Odell, Multidisciplinary Artist
Jose Saucedo, Visual Artist
Kristen Shook, Interdisciplinary Artist
Zandra Sneed-Dawkins, Visual Artist
Irene Tsuneta, Fiber Artist
Lesa Weller, Multidisciplinary Artist
Tyson Williams, Performing Artist/Writer


Jordan E. Brooks (visual artist)
Miranda Easton (painting)
Kody Stadler (multidisciplinary)
Holly Taylor (music)
Deb Bruner (theatre production)
Harvey Flowers (sculpture)
Jake Jackson (sculpture/special effects)
Lisa LaRue-Baker (multidisciplinary)
Phyll Klima (clay)
Allison Koerner-Smith (visual arts)
Alisha Saucedo (clay)
Preston Walker (music)
Amy Allen (painting)
Samantha Banks (painting)
Kate Hastings (theatre)
Allison Shore (photography)


Carmen Anello (music/theatre)
Benjamin Arnfield (visual artist)
Byron Ashley (visual artist)
Audrey Bosley (literary & visual artist)
Anthony Braun (visual artist)
Kim D. Brook (ceramic artist)
Robert Tapley Bustamante (mural/visual artist)
Katie Heffren (visual artist)
Rodney L. Hoover (painting/photography)
Erika Kjorlie Geery (visual artist)
Angela Lexow (2-D & 3-D visual artist)
Liza MacKinnon (2-D & 3-D visual artist)
Xavier Martinez (muralist & visual artist)
Kyra Miller (ceramic & 2-D artist)
Devin M. Morrison (multimedia artist)
Paul Rudy (musician/performing artist)
Dané Shobe (theatre/performing artist)
Nathan Short (theatre/performing artist)
Ptr Sponseller (3-D sculpture artist)
Susan K. Theroff (visual artist)
Jeremy Wangler (photographer)
Becki Waugh (visual artist)
Brian Wiedle (visual artist)
Ryan Wills (musician/performing artist)

About Artist INC

Artist INC connects artists of all disciplines to the tools, resources, and opportunities necessary to develop their entrepreneurial skills and to strengthen their artistic practice. ArtsConnect hosts the program at our gallery in the NOTO Arts & Entertainment District, coordinating the administration of the program in partnership with staff at the Mid-America Arts Alliance. The program provides cutting-edge training seminars that address the specific daily business needs and challenges artists of all disciplines face.

Facilitated learning is the Artist INC methodology. Artists learn and grow together through mentoring, small group application activities, large group discussions and multi-media lectures. Artist INC Fellows learn business skills relevant to their art practice and apply those skills cooperatively with the peers.

More information is available on the Artist INC website and in the Artist 10x10, a beautiful interactive digital celebration of the first 10 years of this program.